A Lotto Satisfaction

CSNA is delighted to welcome the announcement from PLI that Auto Activation on scratch cards is being implemented with immediate effect

This news will come as a welcome relief to the network in general and particularly to the many agents who have fallen foul of the severe penalties imposed by PLI for numerous breaches of the non-activation rule. In many cases our members suffered the embarrassment and penalty of 5 days trading with no Lottery product

CSNA have always seen this rule as most unfair and sought a solution to it from its inception. Through many high-level discussions and through our representation on The Lotto Users Council we have consistently strived to help reach a solution which is reaching fruition now.

This change will eliminate almost 95% of previous reasons for breaches of PLI rules and will be seen as righting a wrong. Current number of “strikes” against an Agent will still stand but should see these disappear over a period of time.

One point to bear in mind though is that your inactivated stock, previously holding no value, must now be treated as valuable and expensive product, similar to tobacco and alcohol and be kept in a secure and locked area until required for sale

Also, while an inactivated ticket that is presented in another store may no longer incur penalties it would be desirable that you continue to activate in-store for best practice and record keeping. PLI will not automatically inform you of any books activated elsewhere but you can seek that information on request if you suspect you may have an issue.