Further Extensions Due To Covid

As a result of the changes announced by the Government that extended the Level 5 restrictions, the following reliefs were announced.

Local Authority rates will not be sought for the Q2 period (Apr-June); you will no doubt be aware that Q1 had previously been waived.

The EWSS has also been extended to June 30, the measuring (-30%) criteria is the same period of 2019. Revenue is due to amend the existing Notes, we will post details on the Covid information pages on the CSNA website.

The Health Amendment Bill passed all stages this week; contained within the Bill was a significant additional requirement for anyone attempting to avoid conviction from a prosecution for not wearing, or refusing to wear, a face covering in a shop.

There is now a clear and stated onus upon the defendant to provide evidence of their exemption from the obligation to comply.

Although this does not stop these lunatics from coming into our stores, it provides a certainty that their efforts to disrupt will be properly rewarded in the Courts!