It’s disappointing to note the number of incidents of claims from staff alleging injury seem to be increasing.
As ever it must be said that many of these incidents can indeed be genuine but regrettably many seem more likely to be suspect yet often difficult to disprove. For example, within areas not covered by CCTV.
It’s clear that retailers right across the country are in desperate need for staff to a point where recruitment processes are more relaxed than they should be.
Good, honest, trustworthy, hardworking staff are extremely hard to come by when they are in such high demand. In the circumstances you simply must make every effort to retain them.
It’s also vitally important to obtain references from job seekers where the referees can at least be spoken with over the phone if not met in person.
Remember also to provide all staff members with formal training which must be confirmed by them by signing a statement that they have received and understood the training.
Above all else do everything within your power to create and encourage a happy work environment where your staff will consider you as their friend – thus discouraging them against making claims.
Please remember to call us should any incident occur or indeed if you’re concerned with any issue.
Always remember – call us to discuss any/every incident. We will advise and guide you.
Gerry Monks Stephen Brack Jackie Reid
087 2830560 086 0400568 01 2988266