The Health and Safety Authority of Ireland ( HSAI) have provided CSNA with the steps an employer should take when an employee informs them that they are being treated or are positive for COVID-19
Below is the response from the HSAI; in short, the HSE or HSA will contact anyone who must self-isolate, be tested, or to collect details for contact tracing. –
Current close contact advice from the HSE applies, and currently neither the HSE nor HSA have outlined any additional mitigation measures that the business must take other than normal risk assessment measures in place since businesses reopened including ongoing use of hand sanitiser et cetera.
In relation to the steps employers should take regarding employees who were close contacts of an employee referred for a Covid test, if the test comes back positive, the workplace will be contacted by the public health experts who will identify close contacts and advise appropriately. The employer does not need to take any additional action (other than reinforcing the prevention measures) while the result of the test is awaited.
To the specific question as to whether an employer needs to determine close contacts of suspected Covid cases and make them aware that a suspected close contact is awaiting test results the short answer to this is no.
Employers are not obliged to inform other staff members that may be close contacts to self-isolate while a suspect case is awaiting their test result.
The current rise in numbers of persons being infected clearly demonstrates the need for everyone to maintain Best Practice.