1. “Awards being granted by the judiciary are far too high!”
2. “The values of compensation set out in the Book of Quantum by the Injuries Board are excessive!”
3. “Insurers are too liberal with their cheque books!”
This is a sample that attempts to capture the most frequently referred to perceived causes of the high cost of insurance. At the risk of Whip…..! Sorry…Backlash from the various sectors I will comment as follows:
1. True? – But then am I honestly in a position to comment beyond what is widely publicised/reported, commented upon and discussed in the media. Why not?!
2. True? – “Minor Whiplash up to €15,700”, “Back – Soft Tissue – Minor €14,800” These are the sums for MINOR Whiplash! The list is extensive – check it out on line. Did I recently hear an interview with a spokesperson for the I.B. arguing that insurers were exaggerating when they estimated to average cost of whiplash claims at €15,000?
3. True? – But then unless they are provided with a realistic defence the quicker they can dispose of the claim the chance increases for some potential saving. That’s where YOU THE POLICYHOLDER comes in!
Play your part!
1. Signage – “Wet Floor” – “Wipe Your Feet” – “CCTV in operation”, Safe fitted with Time Delay Locks”, “Staff have no access to cash”, Etc…
2. Training – Floor Checks, Lifting, Handling, Cooking/Hot work, Shoplifting, Slips/Trips, Armed Robberies – signed copy on record from all staff
3. Compliance – Safety Statement, Statutory Inspection of Equipment
4. Security – Review – Grade of Alarm Monitoring? Adequate PIR Detectors? Grade of Roller Shutters, Windows, Doors, Attic, Roof?
5. CCTV – Retain copies of CCTV footage of any/every incident that could potentially assist you in defence of a claim or solution of a crime.
6. Contact Insurers – Report every incident with insurers, maintain contact, Ask questions, Express your views!
Always remember – call us to discuss any/every incident. We will advise and guide you.28
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