The regulator of the National Lottery withheld €150,000 in payments due to operator Premier Lotteries Ireland (PLI) last year, after it emerged a mechanism it…
Read moreMany retailers were provided with copies of this Special Edition last Friday and were asked to continue to display the current regular issue (Niall Horan)….
Read moreThis is the first year following commencement of Section 4 of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018 that the statutory requirement to notify the Environmental…
Read moreWe would like to remind members of the rest breaks, maximum working hours etc that employees under the age of 18 are entitled to. Please…
Read moreWith a new retirement savings system for employees due to be rolled out in late 2024, you can find all the latest updates on Automatic…
Read moreAll Newspapers are 0% VAT. Some magazines, periodicals and One -Shots are also 0% rated. All annuals are rated as free from VAT and are…
Read moreSpeaking to several solicitors in recent days regarding the possible defences that can be mounted to challenge a prosecution of a sale of an age-controlled…
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