Members should take some comfort in recent actions by local authorities to enforce their own By Laws and obligations under the Casual Trading Act 1995.
Casual or occasional trading is only permitted in designated area. These areas are agreed by the Council Manager and approved by the elected representatives of the ward/area.
Any person wishing to trade in those areas must submit an application and if successful, pay the designated Fee. This applies to a vast range of products such as ice cream, hot food, coffee, flowers, clothing, fruit etc.
The main objective of having regulated trading in designated areas is to provide a level playing pitch for rate paying bricks and mortar businesses.
If your business is affected by a rogue (unauthorised) trader, CSNA will be happy to provide you with assistance as to how to ensure that the local authority will pay attention to your concerns.
Casual trading in Ireland is regulated by Casual Trading bye-laws made under the Casual Trading Act 1995. A casual trading licence is a requirement under the Casual Trading Act to sell goods on the public road. It is an offence under this Act to trade without a valid casual trading licence.
List of all local authorities in Ireland: City/County Councils